Sunday, June 5, 2011

E3 2011, In the Year 2000

"In the year 2000... in the year 2000..."

  • The new Contra that has been teased will be an over-the-shoulder shooter featuring a cover system and regenerating health. It will be exclusively multiplayer with level ups and perks. It will also feature eight hours of cutscenes directed by Hideo Kojima.

  • Hideo Kojima will announce his first new IP in a decade. However, after the game's first chapter, Kojima pulls a bait and switch and the new IP turns out to be yet another Metal Gear game.

  • With their new console, Nintendo will announce the game packaged with the system as Nintendo Shovel Battle. In the game, the tablet control device bares the image of a shovel and players bash themselves in the face.

  • Sony announces rather than digital distribution for the NGP, the handheld will use a new format for games. NGP games will be played by inserting a roll of magnetic strip into the device. The storage media will be called AlphaMax!

  • For the Halo: Combat Evolved HD remake, Microsoft will release a beta for multiplayer and a campaign demo for Gold subscribers. The demo and beta turns out to be the original Halo and not the HD version, but Live members still believe they're getting a great deal.

  • Square-Enix unveils Final Fantasy XV. Yoichi Wada says fans of XIII will be excited for this title. The game takes auto-battle and linear locales one step further and removes gameplay altogether.

  • Capcom introduces a new character for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: Constipated Gouken.

  • EA announces their new Game Pass system. In addition to Online Pass, those who buy used copies of EA's games must purchase a $10/800 MS point code to prevent the disc from melting in their system.

  • In order to revitalize the Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk brands, Activision announces they will be combining the franchises into a single game. The game will astound critics with its perfect blend of skate boarding injected with innovative rhythm mechanics, but it will fail due to players having to purchase $100 of plastic crap and Activision's poor execution of hardware.

  • 2K announces a System Shock reboot. To the shock of many fans, it will be a strategy game.

  • Sega announces yet another Sonic game. It will suck.

  • Come on folks, let's hear your predictions for the year 2000.