Friday, October 15, 2010

The 3DS's Post Launch Line-Up

The Nintendo 3DS has wowed everybody with its tech, but it's line-up is populated with nothing but remakes and sequels. With "3" in the platforms title, the floodgates are now open for series to continue with a third entry on the 3DS.  These games are bound to happen on the 3DS. God have mercy on us all.
►Okami 3DS
►Nightmare Creatures 3DS
►Mass Effect 3DS
►Red Dead 3DSalvation
►Army of ThreeDS
►Assassin's Creed 3DS
►Capcom vs. SNK 3DS
►Rival 3DSchools
►Viewtiful Joe 3DShocking Pink Explosion
►System Shock 3DSHODAN Returns!
►Zone of the Enders 3DS (I will kill Kojima if this happens.)
►Pikmin 3DS (This stupid title gimmick was probably what Nintendo was waiting for.)
The list of series hanging on 2 is endless. What's next? Megaman Legends 3DS? Wait a minute... oy vey.
Metal Gear Solid 3DS will only be the first in a slew of remakes involving the third entry in a franchise.
►Devil May Cry 3DSSStylish!!!
►Street Fighter 3DStrike
►Castlevania IIIDracula'S Curse
►Disgaea 3DemonSchool

There's hardly been a new IP announced for the 3DS's line-up... until now!
►American McGee's 3DS Piggies
►American McGee's 3DS Blind Mice
►The ThreeDS Musketeers

Surprises for next the next trade show: 
►Half-Life 2: Episode 3DS
►Diablo 3DS.
The reason both games are taking so long is because the publishers decided to switch platforms. With Nintendo's large market share, Diablo 3DS and Episode 3DS would have more sales potential on the 3DS than on PC.

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